Al Tau nume, Isuse (favorite) (Noi)
Interpret: Angela  |  Album: Diverse (2007-06-01)  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 29/10/2007
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English version
Cintarea aceasta este (cred) o poezie a lui Traian Dorz suprapusa de Angela pe o melodie Ruseasca.

Imi place ca nu este o cintare 7-11 [7 cuvinte de 11 ori] unde melodia conduce cintarea si cuvintele si intelesul sint superficiale - aici cuvintele, tema principala, si modalitatea in care ii cinti Domnului Isus in loc de a cinta despre El (cu toate ca nici acea nu este rau de loc) se combina intr'o cintare "batrineasca" foarte faina.

Ce urmeaza este o versiune Engleza tradusa DIN romana - se poate imbunatatii dar este un inceput pentru cine doreste s'o cinte mai departe in aceasta limba.

Your Name, oh dear Jesus
Is so wonderful and true
That throughout the countless ages
Millions thought only of You.

Your Name is yet so holy
That the heavens at their best
Fail with all their words of splendor
All Its glories to express.

How can I attempt to fathom
With my song or with my mind
All Its power so supernal
And Its meaning so sublime?

Just the heart in times of sorrow
Flying on the wings of love
Searching high above this shadow
Sees a glimpse of Whom You are.

Lord of all, I fear to ponder
Master of the universe,
My Redeemer, bruised and beaten
Dying slowly on a cross.

Oh we’ll serve You Lord with ardor
Gladly counting all but loss
Pleasure, fame, and riches offered
To steal You away from us

And we’ll sing of You forever
When we’ll meet beyond the stars
When we’ll see You in Your glory
And we’ll be just as You are.
Adăugat în 20/05/2010
English version
Cintarea aceasta este (cred) o poezie a lui Traian Dorz suprapusa de Angela pe o melodie Ruseasca.

Imi place ca nu este o cintare 7-11 [7 cuvinte de 11 ori] unde melodia conduce cintarea si cuvintele si intelesul sint superficiale - aici cuvintele, tema principala, si modalitatea in care ii cinti Domnului Isus in loc de a cinta despre El (cu toate ca nici acea nu este rau de loc) se combina intr'o cintare "batrineasca" foarte faina.

Ce urmeaza este o versiune Engleza tradusa DIN romana - se poate imbunatatii dar este un inceput pentru cine doreste s'o cinte mai departe in aceasta limba.

Your Name, oh dear Jesus
Is so wonderful and true
That throughout the countless ages
Millions thought only of You.

Your Name is yet so holy
That the heavens at their best
Fail with all their words of splendor
All Its glories to express.

How can I attempt to fathom
With my song or with my mind
All Its power so supernal
And Its meaning so sublime?

Just the heart in times of sorrow
Flying on the wings of love
Searching high above this shadow
Sees a glimpse of Whom You are.

Lord of all, I fear to ponder
Master of the universe,
My Redeemer, bruised and beaten
Dying slowly on a cross.

Oh we’ll serve You Lord with ardor
Gladly counting all but loss
Pleasure, fame, and riches offered
To steal You away from us

And we’ll sing of You forever
When we’ll meet beyond the stars
When we’ll see You in Your glory
And we’ll be just as You are.
Adăugat în 20/05/2010
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